September 28, 2009 MEETING
ATTENDING: Jon Arrowood, Steve Bailey (first time visitor), Kenny Brackett, Judy Broesder, Stan Broesder, Richie Calloway, Jessica Cook, LeAnne Fritts (first time visitor), Kathy Goodson, Roger Goodson, David Hopkins, Russell Hull, Robin Johnson (first time visitor), Kathy Lowery (first time visitor), Charles Mize, Ronald Paulley (first time visitor), Mike Payne (first time visitor) and son, Gary Somers (first time visitor). Janice Still
CALL TO ORDER: President Judy Broesder called the meeting to order at 7:00.
MEMBERSHIP: Attendants were reminded to join the club if they would like. Membership dues go to pay for the rental of room at library, any copies that need to be made for the club and towards eventually buying our own club projector.
DISCUSSION: We discussed the upcoming club photo contest. Each member may submit one 8 x 10 photo on any subject. Photo does not need to be framed. Optional if matted or not. No name on photo please. These will not be displayed as we will be judging these ourselves during the November meeting. Cost to members is free, non-members will be $5. There will be a category for novice and advanced. A prize of $25 will be awarded for the best photo in each group. All club members will be allowed to vote on the photos using a printed ballot with a scale of 1-5 in 5 categories including Focus – lighting – composition – Color/quality aesthetics.
Later on we may sponsor an open competition.
December Meeting will be a social. Bring a cover dish…December 14th . This cannot be held at the library….Kathy Goodson to check on the solarium at the Lincoln Cultural Center.
We also discussed fundraising ideas.:
· note cards with photographs made by the club
· Children’s ID cards
· photographs of local landmarks
EXHIBITION: Many positive comments were given about the photos displayed. The library folks said we could display again soon.
1. leaves
2. pumpkins
3. spooky
4. shadows
5. gold
6. satisfaction
7. wagon
8. panoramic
9. elderly person
10. reflection
PROGRAM: The program this month (after we finally got the computer to talk with the projector) was sharing of our scavenger hunt photos.
Respectfully submitted
Kathy Goodson
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