July 2012 Meeting

Planning for the Year

Meeting Agendas

Survey Data
Photo Editing - Gimp would have some common editing skills

Photo printing

Nations photo

Bring photos from different print outlet

Black and white photography

Shooting in Raw

Processing Raw photos

Histograms - how to use them

Suggestions for our Balance

Big Tv and allow the Cultural Center to use

50" TV $1500

Balance - $1000

Kathy Goodson - will ask Cathy Davis

Bring a laptop session

Online training videos
Discuss, practice,

Pick an article and discuss

Camera settings - understanding settings on your camera

Hands on workshops with cameras, and computers

What's new? Mirror less cameras!

Sharing a topic photo - bring one or two

Two shots one topic 2.
2 best of the month. Different person pick the theme for the month. Make a calendar create it ahead if time.

Put all the photos on one computer to make make it flow faster.

Ed Lane - creative process workshop

Critique - what did right and wrong. To make you a better photographer.

Contest -

Field Trips-

August 27 - who prints your photos? Bring samples from your favorite place to print. Share and compare hoots from different printers.

September 24 -
