May Meeting

Sorry for the delay posting the notes from May and June Meetings.

May - Our guest speaker for our May meeting held at the Classic Image studio was Seth Mabrey. Seth works for the Lincoln Times News as their head photographer. His topic for tonight was sports photography.
Seth Mabry.

 Seth emphasized using a fast shutter speed faster than 250 to stop sports motions with an Aperture of 2.5 - 3.5. He says it is better to underexposed to freeze motion then adjust post production. A shallow depth of field is best as the background can be distracting. Panning is another good way to get a great sports shot but panning is a practiced skill. Hand holding is usually best for photography but a monopod can help. The better your lens the easier it is to freeze the action without flash. However, using flash will illuminate the subject not the crowd. If using flash be sure your batteries are fresh. Best to use rechargeable batteries with back-ups. 

Other hints include - Lock on center focus, don't shoot people at the foul line, take some dugout shots, golfers are distracted by the camera sounds, take some warmup shots. To shoot  shoot through a fence set your aperture as low as you can.

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